Our Company Profile
More than 25 years since it was established in February 1990, we had been recognized as one of the leading and reputable services provider dedicated to human resource management and development. The initial objective of its establishment was to support the development of Riau Islands which was part of the Sijori Industrial Development Triangle. We belive that with its total support and solution on manpower matters helps the needs of the multinational companies operating in Riau Island/Batam.
We are constantly commited in presenting quality services to customers, supported with our professional staff which comprised of a number of expertise from various backgrounds. Hundred of thousands of jobs needy workers from all over the country had been recruited and placed to work at varous multinational company in Batam and Bintan.
We delivered more than 80.000 employees recruited from several areas in Indonesia to work in Batam and Bintan Island.
With years of experience, trust your company employees recruitment process to us.
We provide the best human resource recruitment for your company.
Didirikan pada tanggal 27 September 2022, disahkan berdasarkan Akta Notaris Pendaftaran No. 78 dari Wiwik Condro, SH dan berkedudukan di Batam, Indonesia. Company Profile PT…